Sunday, April 5, 2009

Go Green with Rainwater Recovery

Traditionally, rainwater was collected, or harvested, in large below ground tanks, or cisterns. These tanks have a reputation for being difficult to store and maintain as well as not realistic in residential applications. Today, however, many companies are developing a wider variety of options, including tanks sized for residential homes. A few companies have even developed harvesting tanks appropriate for vacation and part-time homes. Many of these options include smaller sized tanks that can be easily placed under decks or joists, alongside walkways or vertically against a wall. These features, coupled with the lack of space in many urban settings, make these modern rainwater harvesting tanks very appealing to earth-conscience homeowners. By contrast, rainwater harvesting tanks are also a good option for homeowners in rural settings where obtaining a supply of water from municipal sources is difficult.There are a number of advantages to rainwater harvesting, including conservation of resources and utilities and reduction of flooding and erosion. It also provides a healthy alternative to chemical treated water for plants and vegetation. The water quality is typically classified as between groundwater and surface water, making it useful in a number of applications. Generally, collected (or harvested) rainwater is suitable for all non-potable uses such as watering the lawn, washing the car, running a power washer, air conditioner make-up water, and even cold water toilet flushing and clothes washing. A rainwater harvesting can be simple or complex depending upon the intended use for the product. In a simple harvesting system, the collected water is used immediately. At its most basic level, routing the gutter downspouts to a specific landscaping area can be considered a form of rainwater harvesting. On a more complex level, however, systems can incorporate elements of roof catchment, gutter and downspout routing, tank storage and irrigation or distribution systems. The more complex systems often require professional assistance and sometimes a permit depending upon local ordinances. It is best to contact your local green building industry expert.An example of a modern rainwater harvesting is the Rainwater H2OG, which is available in two distinct designs. The company offers a potable water tank made from virgin food-grade polyethylene and a non-food-grade tank made with 15% recycled content. Both styles of tank hold approximately 50 gallons of water and even offer potable water options (with the food-grade tank and after proper filtration). This particular tank has been recognized by Environmental Building News as one of the Top-10 Green Building Products in 2008, a reward largely based upon the tank's functional, efficient and visually discreet characteristics. The Rainwater H2OG also represents the move towards accommodation of harvesting systems to residential applications.In the long run, the overall return on investment for rainwater retention systems is very positive. From both a financial and environmental stewardship perspective, going "green" through rainwater retention is a first-class initiative for homeowners.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

How To Care for your skin if you have Psoriasis

As far as caring for one's skin against psoriasis is concerned, there is no magic formula. By carefully taking a look at the ingredients listed on the label of skin care products, someone with psoriasis can make better choices. To keep the symptoms of psoriasis under control, several factors should be considered. First, when choosing a cleanser, those with psoriasis need to look for a product that gently removes dirt and makeup without leaving an oily feel. It ought to be able to remove some of the oil from the skin without any kind of harsh chemicals. It should also be free of perfumes, alcohol, or other ingredients that dry the skin. These only exasperate scaling. Most skin care regimens have an exfoliating product. For psoriasis patients, most of these products are too harsh and irritating to their inflamed skin. Two ingredients that might work well to exfoliate the skin of people with psoriasis are oatmeal and Epsom salts. These are both gentle enough not to cause a worsening of the condition but strong enough to lightly remove flaking skin. All sufferers of psoriasis should follow their cleansing routine with an excellent moisturizer. A good moisturizer will help psoriasis sufferers keep their skin supple and soft. It will lubricate the dry patches, lessening the chance of cracks or sores developing. Natural emollients such as cocoa butter, mineral or plant oil, and petrolatum work well in products used as moisturizers. In a good moisturizer for psoriasis, these ingredients should be combined with the perfect balance of agents that attract and hold water against the skin. The moisturizer should not contain alcohol or perfumes as these tend to dry the skin of psoriasis victims. Thick creams usually work best to keep moisture against the skin. Although sunlight is sometimes helpful to those with psoriasis, too much sun can be drying. Sunburn is especially hard on skin damaged by psoriasis. Sometimes a moisturizer will include a sunscreen to protect tender skin. If a moisturizer is chosen that does not have an added sunscreen, people with psoriasis need to add a good sunscreen to their skincare regimen. This product ought to also be gentle, non-drying, and even perfume free. All those products in a skin care regimen of those with psoriasis may not improve the condition, but they should certainly not add to the problems. If, after going through the labels and trying the most likely products, a psoriasis skin care regimen is not working, it is best to consult a dermatologist.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

How to Detect Breast Cancer

The most common cancer experienced by females is breast cancer. This has led to various searches for solutions and treatment methods. Although breast cancer is said to be responsive to some herbs, it is advised that orthodox medications are still the best available treatment for it. Noticing changes in your breast contour? It could be nothing and at the same time it could be breast cancer, God forbid! But the only way to say is prompt medical check, if the doctor thinks it is cancer then early treatments will do you some good.Excessive consumption of fat and alcohol can enhance the development of breast cancer. You should watch your food and drinks even though it has not been proven that these two culprits cause cancer, we know it contributes to it.Although the symptoms of breast cancer metastasizing such as headaches and changes in the size and shape of the breast can be a sign of other physiological occurrence such as menstrual cycles, it is advised not to over look them. A spreading breast cancer is highly dangerous and can be deadly. Breast cancer is a major killer of women all over the world in general. The actual cause of breast cancer has not been agreed upon but body size, age, level of alcohol and fat content in the body are known associates of breast cancer. Therefore don’t get overweight, reduce alcohol consumption, exercise a lot and avoid fatty foods for protection against breast cancer. Metastases are growth of cancerous tissues or cells from an organ to another within the human body. One major characteristic of breast cancer is its metastases characteristics. Quick detection and prompt treatment of breast cancer can prevent this occurrence.Breast cancer is usually characterized with changes in the size of the breast. However a drastic change in your breast size does not necessarily confirm the presence of cancer cells. If you notice differences in your breast size, it is advised that you seek medical attention to determine the cause.Breast cancer is an ailment caused by the formation of malignant cells within the breast tissues. Although the ailment is common in women, it is almost non existence in men although few diagnoses have been made. The cancer is known to be heterogeneous as it shows variation in different women.Breast cancer is better treated if the ailment is timely noticed. It is advised that women examine their breast regularly for lumps and skin discoloration. If this is noticed, it should not be overlooked but reported to medical professionals immediately.A lot of women want to know the effect of our diet on the development of breast cancer. I'll say since our body can be physically and genetically modified by the kind of food we eat, it is logical to believe that food plays an important role in the development of breast cancer. With this being said, you should remember that one man's meat is another's poison so have your doctor review your diet for it is only him/her that can say if the kind of food you eat can encourage the development of breast cancer or not.A bad side effect of breast cancer treatment is the experiencing of a premature menopause. This makes the virginal dry, and sex more painful than fun. If you are experiencing this after your breast cancer treatment, you should see your doctor immediately and have him/her refer you to a sex related defect professional.There are a lot of other ailments that share some of the symptoms of breast cancer. These ailments include cysts, fibro adenomas, injuries and other infections. These ailments are non cancerous and may not be as severe as the breast cancer. When you notice variation in your breast, you shouldn't wave it off thinking it is one of these diseases, you should receive medical help immediately. Breast cancer is usually associated with lumpy feel within the breast. But not all breast cancer is characterized by lumps. An example of non-lumpy breast cancer is the inflammatory breast cancer. However inflammatory breast cancer is not common thus a lot of people are not familiar with the disease, last year it only recorded about 3% of the total diagnosed breast cancer.There are high possibilities for breast cancer to spread around to other part of the body before it is detected. This makes the breast cancer difficult to treat and increases the chances of reoccurrence. This is why regular self examination and occasional clinical examination is suggested, to reveal breast cancer timely while the damage is minimal.Meat and dairy products are known to increase estrogen content of the human system. Estrogen is a known risk increasing factor of breast cancer. You cannot be asked to stay away from these food materials as they are good sources of protein which is essential for the body, but limiting the consumption of these products may help you prevent breast cancer.The general state of your body is a factor in the determination of the risk you face regarding breast cancer. Maintaining a state of good health will help lower the risk you stand of developing breast cancer. You should involve in activities like exercise, yoga, walking or Tai-Chi to help keep your health in good shape.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Towards A United Planetary Nation From A United Nations' Organization

“That time has come when discrimination with reference to communities, social status, gender and nations, will come to an end. Entire world humanity will live like brothers and sisters.”- ARTHUR CHARLES CLARK“If in a particular country, if one or two court cases are fought, people will be amazed as to whether there is any individual who is full of hatred, cunningness and enmity. At that time there will be no racial difference or gender discrimination. A human religion will be established in the entire world. Today all nations have joined hands to establish the United Nations Organization in America. A time will come in the future when a United Planetary Nation will come into existence. Its capital could be any of the planets like Earth, Jupiter, Mercury etc. or another region outside our solar system. After having said this, definitely human values will gain a firm foothold in future. That day is very near when all planets, galaxies etc. of the cosmos will unite as one nation. It is akin to what we see today wherein our earth has more than 100 nations. All these planets, galaxies etc. will live like cooperative, friendly neighbours.”The above quotation is not some imaginary story of Panchtantra or an imaginary incident of the journey of Ashwamedha horses. In fact this prophecy was made by a great prophesizer of America called Arthur Charles Clark, when he received the international award called Kaling Prize. Previously too he had given many prophecies and majority of the time, they were proved cent percent true.The prophecies of Arthur Clark are slightly different from prophecies made by other seers. Clark was a scientist and a writer. Thus his prophecies had a scientific tinge which touched the hearts of his readers. His prophecies were proved so true that later on scientists based their research studies on the prophecies made by Clark.Once in 1959 while attending a dinner party, Clark told his friend – “30th June 1969 A.D. will be the greatest day in world history. I can clearly see an inhabitant of earth landing on Moon.”Uptil the day when Clark made this prophecy, not even one space craft had been sent into interstellar space. It was only 2 years later in 1961 A.D. that Russia sent one of its astronaut, Yuri Gagarin, in a spacecraft so as to circumbulate our planet Earth. Hence in 1959 A.D. when Clark made the above prophecy, none of his friends believed it. Despite this, world humanity witnessed Clark’s prophecy come true, even if it had a difference of 20 days as far as the timing of the prophecy was concerned. In fact if in 1966 A.D. an Apollo spacecraft had not been burnt to ashes in Kennedy Space Centre, there would not have been this 20 day delay in the prophecy being proved correct.Even as a small boy, Arthur Clark possessed this strange Extra Sensory Power (ESP) and power to predict future events. He always said – “Man is not merely this physical body. He is that Power which has divine light full of brilliance. All Divine Powers of God are present in each individual albeit in a latent state. At present these Divine Powers are “sleeping” in the human psyche.“I am seeing that in a short time span an intense thought revolution will rise in a country of Asia (India). Uptil 1971 in this country and within 10 years in the entire world, this revolution will be so intense, that the harsh psyche of human beings will have to awaken. That energy will be searched for and experienced by all of world humanity, which today they are virtually ignorant about. Science will take a new turn wherein spiritual principles will predominate. These spiritual attainments and potentials will be the basis on which the world will be united as one family.People argue that life exists on Earth only. Even scientists say that other planets are lifeless. At that time Clark said – “I had said in 1945 A.D. that there is no need to lay down electrical cables /wires in either the ocean or the entire world. If an artificial satellite of the speed of 17000 miles is sent into interstellar space, which revolves around our Earth, it will fulfill all requirements of sending telegraphic messages. At that time people mocked at me. I was proved right when in 1962 A.D., Bell Telephone Company sent a satellite called “Telstar” in interstellar space. Today other satellites like “Early Bird” and “Tolras” too have been invented which can send messages from one place on Earth to another place. In 1 minute these messages of the measure of 17 pages can be sent.Once I had said that man is capable of producing so much energy from a very tiny atom that can destroy the world in a matter of a few minutes. Again no one believed what I said. It was only when Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed that people realized I was absolutely right. I have made all these prophecies with steadfastness and confidence. With this same confidence I say that this world has not come into existence without a Creator. There eternally exists a mysterious force which is beyond the ken of human intelligence and prowess. This gigantic world was created as per the wish of this mysterious force. If this force created life on Earth, why would it not create life on other planets? If one day life is discovered on other planets, it is doubtless that populations of various planets will come closer and will design cosmic laws which will solve their problems.”Just as Arthur Clark’s previous prophecies have come true, so too that day is very near when his above prophecy will also come true cent per cent. Via the mediums of Pulsar and Quasar rays, certain radio messages have been noted which force scientists to believe that life exists on other planets too. Scientists say that civilizations on other planets could be more advanced than those on Earth and that they wish to contact Earth inhabitants. The truth of Clark’s prophecies can be witnessed in the existence of clouds that exist billion of light years away and red coloured planets. Thus even the most conservative scientists have started accepting that life could exist on other planets.A long time back Arthur Clark had said – “For a few days I will land on Moon to spend my holidays.” Obviously people mocked at him. But today it is clear that, that day is not far away when people will book tickets to travel from one planet to another. Dr. Fernand Gabiz, director of France’s “Institute of Higher Defence Studies” says that henceforth when a hydrogen bomb will be invented it will function with the help of lasers. It will be called a Mini-H-Laser Bomb. Its power will be infinitely more than an electric bomb and its price will be not more than a few dollars. This technology will be of great help in minimizing the cost of travel from one planet to another i.e. in interstellar space. Thus readers of this book will definitely travel in space in the near future.Arthur Clark while residing in Colombo (Sri Lanka) with his wife Dod made some prophecies regarding India’s progress. It matches with prophecies given by Jean Dixon, Cheiro, Anderson et al. They all said – “In ancient times India was famous not only spiritually but also as a great scientific nation. I have heard that in the past, India had invented fire and water based weapons and also aircrafts. In future too, India will advance further in these areas and will be topmost in the world. Despite this, India will be predominantly recognized as a great spiritual nation. Indian spirituality and culture will become a World Religion.”Clark had great faith in human progress. He had also made films. His movie “Zool Space Odyssey” gained international recognition. In it Clark tries to say that today’s man is much more advanced than that man of the past, who lived like an ignorant animal in the forest. Today man has intellectually progressed a great deal and with its help, he will not only travel in the entire cosmos but will also dive deep into the recesses of his infinite soul. Man will in future campaign for a life of world brotherhood, oneness of soul and love for one another. This goal will be definitely achieved in the near future.Clark’s prophecies of India’s freedom, China and Pakistan’s friendship, war between China and Russia have come true, although the timing of events may have been a few days in advance or a few days later. Hence none should doubt his prophecy of a thought revolution and Era Transformation taking place in future in the world. This is because today all signs of this prophecy being proved true in future are witnessed in all corners of the world.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a medical treatment that combines estrogen and progestin to restore the premenopausal levels of estrogen. Hormone replacement therapy is prescribed for protection against osteoporosis and heart disease, and relief of menopausal symptoms. Benefits It has been well documented for several decades that Hormone replacement therapy is the most effective remedy for the hot flashes and sleep disturbances that often accompany menopause Hormone replacement therapy has also consistently been shown to decrease vaginal discomfort by increasing the thickness, elasticity, and lubricating ability of vaginal tissue. Urinary tract tissue also becomes thicker and more elastic, reducing the incidence of stress incontinence and urinary tract infections. Some women and their doctors report that Hormone replacement therapy can be helpful in relieving the depression and mood swings that may occur during menopause and can produce a general sense of well-being and increased energy. Also, some find that Hormone replacement therapy increases skin thickness and elasticity, decreasing the appearance of wrinkles. While Hormone replacement therapy was used initially to reduce the discomfort from short-term menopausal symptoms, recent studies provide evidence that it may also reduce some of the negative long-term health effects of menopause. Scientists are continuing to gather information to define the potential benefits from Hormone replacement therapy and to identify the women for whom it may be most useful. Further research will also be needed to show when Hormone replacement therapy should be started and how long it should be continued to achieve the greatest benefits. Drawbacks: While Hormone replacement therapy has potential benefits, it also can have drawbacks. Some of the side-effects of Hormone replacement therapy are: vaginal bleeding, breast pain, nausea, cramping, headaches, fluid retention, vaginal discharge, depression, irritability, weight gain and bloating. A few months adjustment period is often necessary for women beginning this therapy. Every woman entering menopause should have a physical examination and then talk with her doctor about her overall health, her family history and her physical and psychological concerns. Working with your doctor to assess your risk factors accurately should help you determine whether the benefits of this therapy outweigh the risks for you personally. If you are concerned about Hormone replacement therapy, consider other effective non-medical therapies for addressing your needs, and seek a second opinion before initiating a course of treatment.