Saturday, November 29, 2008

How To Choose Best Antivirus Solutions by MIKE SELVON

These days there are a number of choices that people have when they need to purchase internet security software packages to protect their computers from online threats. People can choose to visit some websites and get trial versions of security downloads before purchasing a full program, or they can simply go into a retail store and buy the software installation disk. Regardless of which method of acquiring the software is preferred, the question still remains for most people, "What is the best antivirus software available and which should they choose?"
In most cases, the antivirus internet security protection software that is published today comes with good warranties, guarantees and a strong level of customer support to help the computer user deal with any serious issues that might arise because of the various internet threats that are posed to their systems. Because of this level of support, many PC owners are most comfortable with an antivirus internet security suite from a highly reputable company.
But, there is a strong contingent of people who are convinced that the best antivirus software packages are the ones that are freely available to computer users. Indeed, there are many different, free internet security systems available that can be found at any of the numerous software download websites or through various software discussion forums. Often, software publishers will have free versions of their software available on the sites as well.
In some cases, the software publishers offer a limited time trial in order to allow the PC user to try out the software. This is a great benefit for computer users who are often overwhelmed by the sheer number of options they have to choose from.
Typically, the company will allow you to use a full version of their software for a limited time, such as two weeks or 30 days. At the end of that period, you must purchase a license in order to continue using their security software.
The biggest advantage to these trials periods is that the user has the opportunity to get a "feel" for the software and to see if they are able to run it easily. They can test the user interface and see if it is intuitive or if it was designed more for computer geeks and engineers than for the average computer user.
In most cases, these companies also offer at least a minimum level of support while the user is testing their software. This is done with the hope that the user will be pleased with both the software and the customer support so that they will decide to make the purchase of the internet safety antivirus package.
Another way that some of the software companies allow people to test out their computer internet security software is to allow them to use a limited or "lite" version. Typically, the limited version will provide some functions that the full software features, but will have many of the advanced features disabled. In most cases, these limited versions have no time limitation on them, but simply do not provide the full level of protection that computer users should have.
Once the PC owner has had the chance to test drive the security suite software in one of these ways, they will be able to determine for themselves which is the best antivirus package for them. While testing the software to see how it handles threats, it is also a good idea to research the software publisher to know if they are reliable and if they have a good track record for providing good customer service.
Mike Selvon has some informative articles for the creative mind. Find out more about the best antivirus solutions at his resourceful site. We appreciate your feedback at our internet safety rules blog.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Why Cleanup Registry Issues? by JONATHAN BLOCKER


During the normal course of operation, most people do not give much thought to their pc’s registry, let alone any of the inner workings of the computer. That everything works and works rapidly is significantly more important.
Normal operation, though, has an effect on pc performance. Over time, performance degrades and a pc optimizer is needed to provide a tune up of sorts to speed up pc operation.
What is the registry anyway?
The registry is part of a pc’s operating system. It is a directory that contains system settings and options.
When functioning properly, directions from the registry are rapidly conveyed to the CPU as part of normal operation. When issues arise in the registry, however, pc performance degrades significantly, causing it too slow down noticeably. In order to reverse the problem and optimize pc performance when this happens, it is necessary to cleanup registry issues thoroughly.
How do registry issues start in the first place?
Normal wear and tear on any machine takes a toll, and computers are no exception. Every time new hardware is added to your system, the registry is updated. Every time software is installed or uploaded, the registry is updated. Files downloaded from the Internet, configuration changes to software applications or hardware have the same effect. These changes are not always compatible and not always cleanly done.
The only way to clear out incompatibilities, file corruption or extraneous data and optimize pc performance is to cleanup registry contents.
When is it time to cleanup registry issues?
There are a few common symptoms that indicate it’s time to cleanup registry problems. Some common issues are:
• Software freezing up • Software that doesn’t load • Significantly slowed operation • System crash • Frequent system errors
How can a registry get cleaned out?
It’s not necessary to be a computer expert to fix registry issues. On the contrary, registry cleaning software automates and greatly simplifies the process. In fact, the best registry cleaner actually act as a pc optimizer. Most programs back up your system settings, scan for problems and then repair them. The best registry cleaners, though, offer even more functionalities that help speed up pc performance. These features can include disc defragmentation and selectively removing applications from system startup, both of which result in noticeable improvements in performance.