Saturday, March 21, 2009

How to Detect Breast Cancer

The most common cancer experienced by females is breast cancer. This has led to various searches for solutions and treatment methods. Although breast cancer is said to be responsive to some herbs, it is advised that orthodox medications are still the best available treatment for it. Noticing changes in your breast contour? It could be nothing and at the same time it could be breast cancer, God forbid! But the only way to say is prompt medical check, if the doctor thinks it is cancer then early treatments will do you some good.Excessive consumption of fat and alcohol can enhance the development of breast cancer. You should watch your food and drinks even though it has not been proven that these two culprits cause cancer, we know it contributes to it.Although the symptoms of breast cancer metastasizing such as headaches and changes in the size and shape of the breast can be a sign of other physiological occurrence such as menstrual cycles, it is advised not to over look them. A spreading breast cancer is highly dangerous and can be deadly. Breast cancer is a major killer of women all over the world in general. The actual cause of breast cancer has not been agreed upon but body size, age, level of alcohol and fat content in the body are known associates of breast cancer. Therefore don’t get overweight, reduce alcohol consumption, exercise a lot and avoid fatty foods for protection against breast cancer. Metastases are growth of cancerous tissues or cells from an organ to another within the human body. One major characteristic of breast cancer is its metastases characteristics. Quick detection and prompt treatment of breast cancer can prevent this occurrence.Breast cancer is usually characterized with changes in the size of the breast. However a drastic change in your breast size does not necessarily confirm the presence of cancer cells. If you notice differences in your breast size, it is advised that you seek medical attention to determine the cause.Breast cancer is an ailment caused by the formation of malignant cells within the breast tissues. Although the ailment is common in women, it is almost non existence in men although few diagnoses have been made. The cancer is known to be heterogeneous as it shows variation in different women.Breast cancer is better treated if the ailment is timely noticed. It is advised that women examine their breast regularly for lumps and skin discoloration. If this is noticed, it should not be overlooked but reported to medical professionals immediately.A lot of women want to know the effect of our diet on the development of breast cancer. I'll say since our body can be physically and genetically modified by the kind of food we eat, it is logical to believe that food plays an important role in the development of breast cancer. With this being said, you should remember that one man's meat is another's poison so have your doctor review your diet for it is only him/her that can say if the kind of food you eat can encourage the development of breast cancer or not.A bad side effect of breast cancer treatment is the experiencing of a premature menopause. This makes the virginal dry, and sex more painful than fun. If you are experiencing this after your breast cancer treatment, you should see your doctor immediately and have him/her refer you to a sex related defect professional.There are a lot of other ailments that share some of the symptoms of breast cancer. These ailments include cysts, fibro adenomas, injuries and other infections. These ailments are non cancerous and may not be as severe as the breast cancer. When you notice variation in your breast, you shouldn't wave it off thinking it is one of these diseases, you should receive medical help immediately. Breast cancer is usually associated with lumpy feel within the breast. But not all breast cancer is characterized by lumps. An example of non-lumpy breast cancer is the inflammatory breast cancer. However inflammatory breast cancer is not common thus a lot of people are not familiar with the disease, last year it only recorded about 3% of the total diagnosed breast cancer.There are high possibilities for breast cancer to spread around to other part of the body before it is detected. This makes the breast cancer difficult to treat and increases the chances of reoccurrence. This is why regular self examination and occasional clinical examination is suggested, to reveal breast cancer timely while the damage is minimal.Meat and dairy products are known to increase estrogen content of the human system. Estrogen is a known risk increasing factor of breast cancer. You cannot be asked to stay away from these food materials as they are good sources of protein which is essential for the body, but limiting the consumption of these products may help you prevent breast cancer.The general state of your body is a factor in the determination of the risk you face regarding breast cancer. Maintaining a state of good health will help lower the risk you stand of developing breast cancer. You should involve in activities like exercise, yoga, walking or Tai-Chi to help keep your health in good shape.

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